
20May 2016

Rave Awards

The RAVE awards dinner took place April 19, 2016. The Junior League of Erie and Get Connected should be commended for this first-class event – Recognizing Achieving Volunteers in Erie (RAVE). Sean Lafferty, WJET-TV news anchor, served as emcee. John Rushe, on of our agency principals, was nominated as an outstanding volunteer in the Adult Class for his work with (a.) the Erie Together anti-poverty movement; and (b.) St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Congrats to the Adult Class winner – Beth Racine, a 30-year volunteer at TREC, the Therapeutic Riding Equestrian Center!


05Apr 2016

We have re-designed our websites! Check out www.wrins.com. This was a collaborative effort of Papa Advertising Inc. and Computer Solutions, both of Erie PA. We hope you find our full website easier to navigate.  And we feel certain you will enjoy our “new look” featuring scenes from Presque Isle State Park.

Our mobile website, as you might expect, makes it possible to easily connect on-the-go. But we made a special effort to envision using it in front of a damaged home; at a roadside dealing with a disabled vehicle; or at the scene of an auto accident.  This includes an Emergency Services button.  After all, we need to be at our best when your circumstances are at their worst.  This re-do also enables us to show off the new 24/7 dispatch feature for Road Service from Erie Insurance.

Please take a look and tell us what you think!

12Mar 2016

Spring is around the corner. What needs repaired, replaced, or updated at your home?  Get some creative ideas at the Erie Home & Garden Show, Thursday March 17th through Sunday March 20th.   This event will be held at the Bayfront Convention Center overlooking Presque Isle Bay.

Home Insurance may need a “Spring Tune-Up” as well. Did you finish previously unfinished space; erect an addition; add a deck or porch; or make some other significant improvement?  Do you have enough coverage to rebuild your improved home?

Erie Insurance will be sponsoring a booth at the Erie Home & Garden Show. Our agency will be staffing it part of the day on Sunday, March 20th.  Stop by and say hello!

10Mar 2016

Your car/truck/SUV came with a hitch/receiver. Or you had one installed.  Your vehicle is covered under your Personal Auto Insurance policy?  But what about that “toy”?

In general, a trailer attached to a vehicle is considered to be an extension of the vehicle…but ask your agent to be certain. You might misjudge and damage someone else’s property or injure another person.  Under this extension concept, it is as if you caused the accident with the car itself.

But the trailer, boat, and contents of the trailer are not automatically covered for damage under most Personal Auto policies. Coverage can be explored, covering trailers while parked or towed.  Boats, motorcycles and ATVs can also be covered in use or transit.

Some hitches are also anchor points for racks that carry bikes, canoes, kayaks and more. Again, we can explore coverage while in use, storage or transit.

If you have questions, visit our website (www.wrins.com), or contact us.

05Feb 2016

The “new car bug” has infected Erie PA! Seriously, the 2016 Auto Show is being held through Sunday at the Erie Bayfront Convention Center.

So what does this have to do with insurance? We know we are just one piece of the car-buying puzzle.  But we want you to be an informed consumer.

Please copy a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle you wish to purchase. We can use that to accurately project the premium impact of those new wheels.  It may surprise you that tow similar cars (price, size, standard features) may have very different insurance costs.

And here is a fun fact. We can’t tell the color of your car.  So if you really want the Bright Red one, go ahead!  The color won’t increase the cost of your insurance.

08Jan 2016

People think about calling their Auto Insurance carrier when an accident occurs. But what if your vehicle is simply disabled, unrelated to an accident?

Many policies have Road Service coverage. And Erie Insurance just enhanced that protection to offer 24/7 dispatch service.  Simply call 1-800-367-3743.  They can find a local service provider and the invoice (limits apply) will go directly to Erie Insurance.  This is “emergency” service such as a jump-start; fuel delivery if out of gas; tire change; key lock-out; winch-out from a roadside ditch; and towing to the closest qualified repair facility.

If you have questions, visit our website (www.wrins.com), or contact us.

17Dec 2015

This topic looks like a warning that it is raining. But we’re not talking about droplets of water.  We’re talking about the downpour of a lawsuit.

Excess Liability policies, with some versions called Umbrella policies, offer additional protection for you and your assets. Your underlying policies already provide Primary Liability coverage in case you negligently injure someone or damage property belonging to others.  Look at your Personal Auto, Traditional Home, Vacation Home, Rental Home, Mobile Home, Condo Unit, Renter’s, ATV, Boat, RV, Motorcycle and similar personal policies.  Protection is there.  But it has a Limit of Liability.  What happens if the jury awards more?

Excess Liability policies provide a buffer between those underlying policies and your assets. They serve as an over-arching “umbrella” above that Primary Liability Limit.  Excess coverage typically starts with a $1,000,000 Limit.  And it is surprisingly affordable.

If you have questions, visit our website’s Consumer Info section (www.wrins.com), or contact us.

19Nov 2015

So…how much coverage do you need? First, do not expect your landlord to cover your Contents – clothing, furniture, appliances and electronics.

Second, look beyond the fact you were given some of your belongings; you discovered it at a phenomenal price at an estate sale; or you pushed through Black Friday crowds to buy it at “80% Off”. You need to think about the shopping trip of your lifetime.  How much would it cost to replace every item you own, at today’s prices, throughout your rented home?  We have a Household Inventory brochure that may be helpful.

In a previous blog directed at traditional home owners, we recommended Replacement Cost coverage for Personal Contents. We make that same recommendation for renters.

Assuming you have a covered loss, you will still have to pay a deductible. This is the amount you agreed to pay before the insurance coverage takes over the process.

Also, expect some limitations and exclusions for Special Contents such as jewelry, business-related items, guns, collectibles and some other high-value or unusual items. This is a reminder to talk to us about those valuables.  You may be pleasantly surprised by affordable special coverage.

If you have a Replacement Cost Claim Settlement policy, you will be paid the amount to buy a similar replacement item at today’s prices. Typically, you must actually replace the item to be offered the full Replacement Cost settlement.  The carrier may initially settle a claim on an Actual Cash Value basis, paying the difference after you actually replace the covered item.

If you have questions, visit our website’s Consumer Info section (www.wrins.com), or contact us.

12Nov 2015

Owning a store is probably the “picture” of the American dream. Renting a storefront frequently relieves the store owner from worries about the building, parking lot and similar issues.  But check your lease.  You may be contractually responsible, requiring a different approach with your business insurance.

At this point, we’re going to focus on the physical items in a rented retail space. We’ll save Liability concerns and building ownership for another blog.

The most obvious “thing” to insure to a store owner is the inventory…the lifeblood of the business. But other “things” are important as well.  The cash register, computer equipment, copier, postage meter, desks, shelving, and displays would all need replaced as well.

Who owns dividing walls, interior doors, carpeting, storage racks, and display shelving – tenant or landlord? In the event of a fire or other destruction, who is responsible?  Check your lease for those dividing lines.

A cooler or freezer case may be offered “free’ in exchange for displaying a particular product line. But the store owner may actually be required to insure it.

Loss of Income coverage is exceptionally important. This can pay on-going expenses and replace the normal profit to the business owner after a covered loss.  It can even provide funds to continue paying experienced employees to stand by, awaiting the store’s re-opening.  Otherwise, that talent is lost to competitors.  And the business owner is faced with hiring all-new help after rebuilding.

If you have questions, visit our website’s Consumer Info section (www.wrins.com), or contact us.



05Nov 2015

Building a house is exciting! And it brings challenges, including insurance.

Do you need insurance? Does your builder cover everything? For how long?  Until what stage in the construction?

The answer about whether you need insurance is…maybe! Consult with your builder, closing agency, attorney and your insurance professional.  It differs in many cases.  But ownership usually dictates the need for insurance.

Is a contractor developing an entire new neighborhood in which you choose a model and become the owner only when it is “move-in” ready? Do you already own land and you are contracting with a builder to erect a house?   Are you playing “general contractor”, coordinating specialists to build your new home?  The answers to these questions, along with other factors, will help us determine how soon you need coverage.

If you have questions, visit our website’s Consumer Info section (www.wrins.com), or contact us

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